Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Skunked - times two

So at 8am yesterday I booked myself on an 11 o'clock flight to Kelley's Island to chase down the Bohemian Waxwing reported last night. As I got to Port Clinton, I got a phone call that there was a black legged kittywake at 72nd street hanging out on the breakwall. After some discussion I decided to hit the island first and then gun it to eastlake right after I got off the plane.
The plane....a 5 seater prop job...tiny...not at all airtight...but it made it to the island without incident. Once I got there I had to walk the island since there really were not any other options this time of year. It was a calm day so it was actually pretty pleasant. I went directly to the condos where the waxwings had been seen, but all of the fruiting trees had been picked clean. There were a ton of starlings around. After walking the complex slowly for about an hour and a half I decided to check along the roads on my way to catch my return flight. The island was birdy. Highlights were a rough legged hawk at the airport, a gorgeous Merlin on a snag on Ward Rd, multiple creepers and sapsuckers and lots of tundra swans. 36 species total. Since I took the long way back to the airport I missed my return flight and had to take one at 3 instead. I just took my time and enjoyed the nice day.
After landing back in Port Clinton on a three seater this time, I jumped in the truck and made my way to Eastlake at 4:45. After scanning the breakwall I did find the kittywake. It had perished on the wall before I arrived. Sad. Mostly for the death of the bird, but also for my dreams of bumping my YTD total to 299 today. I still have 10 days.
Next up: Common Redpoll chase

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