Satisfied with finding this bird so quickly we decided to bird the area a bit and added a few new year birds. Red-naped sapsucker, Brewers sparrow and a few violet-green swallows overhead. We enjoyed the area but knew we still had places to go and birds to see.
We arrived at the Florida Canyon parking area at the end of the road mid morning after slowly driving up and birding the whole way. Rufous-winged and black-throated sparrows were around and phainopepla were everywhere. As soon as we parked I heard the call of the black-capped gnatcatcher we were looking for. We saw two of them working the scrub and watched them for about 5 minutes before the moved deeper out of sight but were able to get a few other birders on them for great looks by all.
We then hiked up the trail to see any other birds that were around. It was a beautiful day and birds were calling and some singing from the hillsides but all were making it difficult to see them except a Hutton's vireo and Hammond's flycatcher.
As we were hiking back down and almost to the parking area we hear the distinctive call of an Elegant Trogon from up the canyon. We hiked back up to ask the other birders if they had heard it or if they had played a call. At the time they were standing next to a cascade of water over the rocks so they couldn't hear much. We walked a little farther up and looked everywhere and listened carefully but did not hear the bird again. Wen though there is no doubt that it was an elegant trogon calling I am not adding it to my year list yet. This is a beautiful bird that I want to see again and I will be back in Arizona for a few more opportunities on future trips. For now I'll let it go.
Next we birded Madera Canyon, by far one of my favorite birding areas that I have ever visited. The feeding stations at the Santa Rita and Kubo lodges are spectacular for Arizona birds as well as being one of the most relaxing places to see them. Magnificent hummingbirds were using the feeders, Arizona woodpeckers, a Townsend's warbler, bridled titmouse, Mexican jays, lesser goldfinches and pine siskins, wild turkeys, ladder-back woodpeckers and yellow-eyes juncos actively can into the feeders as 20+ birders watched and enjoyed them. I inquired at the gift shop at Santa Rita about staying there and it turned out there was one room available for the evening. With the gem show in Tucson the lodge actually was a cost saving place to stay.
We ran back down to Green Valley to grab some food and decided to make our way slowly back up the canyon as the sun set. Birds were everywhere and Gambel's quail were new for the year. We reached the end of the road and parked for a few minutes to listen for owls. We barely had stepped out of the car and a whiskered screech owl was calling not far away. On the way back down a northern-Pygmy owl was calling at the amphitheater area. Another reason I love this area. We got settled in and enjoyed the suite at the lodge for the evening.
This sounds like a JACKPOT day of birding WOWZA! And much warmer :)