Friday, January 16, 2015

Apparently the Brambling went rambling

  Today we got up early and drove in the rain and dark through the redwoods up to Arcata, California. Our mission was to stake out a Brambling that had been hanging out for about the last three weeks.  The rain stopped when we got there and we spent the next five hours scoping out the entire neighborhood. Large flocks of pine siskins, Oregon juncos, golden-crowned sparrows and stellar's jays kept us entertained but the Brambling never put in an appearance. We were joined by a couple from the Bay Area who are spending the weekend in that area and will let us know if it is seen again for our return trip to the bay. 
Six Band-tailed pigeons were calling and then seen flying out of the forest when we arrived and Anna's Hummingbirds were zipping around relentlessly. 
This part of California in general is actually very pretty. The groves of redwoods are awe inspiring and the drive along the coastline is really something to see. 
Somehow this scene made me think of what California must have been like 40 years ago. 

We passed a lot of places on the way today that I would've liked to have stopped and investigated but I didn't want to "waste" the time this morning. Possibly on the return trip. We're headed up to Oregon tonight to shoot for another rarity tomorrow. I am hoping it is not a wild goose chase..,

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day sorry about the Brambling! Love the "60s" when I saw it .. I am sure that is exactly how it looked...still does in some places of Northern Cali ;)
